
остановить имя существительное:
остановка (stop, stopping, halt, stoppage, stay, standstill)
останов (stop, arrester, lock, dog)
прекращение (cessation, stop, cease, discontinuation, suspension, discontinuance)
конец (end, ending, stop, finish, last, tip)
упор (stop, thrust, rest, detent, pawl, catch)
ограничитель (stop)
стопор (stopper, stop, lock, detent, catch, plug)
перерыв (break, interruption, pause, interval, rest, stop)
пауза (pause, break, interval, rest, stop, hold)
задержка (delay, setback, retention, lag, retardation, stop)
диафрагма (diaphragm, stop, membrane, midriff, blind)
клапан (valve, flap, vent, gate, piston, stop)
пробка (bung, plug, stopper, Cork, traffic jam, stop)
затычка (plug, gag, peg, stopper, bung, stop)
знак препинания (stop)
клавиша (key, note, stop, digital)
прижимание пальца к струне (stop)
взрывной согласный звук (stop consonant, stop)
короткое пребывание (stop)
вентиль (valve, faucet, ventil, stop, flap)
регистр (register, regional committee, stop)
остановить (stop, can, pull up, bring to a stop, bring to, heave to)
останавливаться (stop, stay, dwell, halt, shut down, pause)
останавливать (stop, stay, halt, shut Down, arrest, cease)
прекращать (stop, cease, discontinue, end, quit, off)
прекращаться (stop, cease, discontinue, end, finish, remit)
пресекать (suppress, stop, put an end to)
блокировать (block, blockade, stop, freeze, block up, interlock)
кончаться (end, finish, result, stop, run out, terminate)
кончать (end, finish, stop, terminate, close, do)
стопорить (stop)
задерживать (delay, detain, stay, hold, retard, stop)
удерживать (hold, deter, restrain, hold down, retain, stop)
затыкать (plug, caulk, stop up, stop, plug up, stuff)
умолкнуть (stop, shush)
заделывать (stop, patch up, stop up, mount, wall up)
преграждать (block, obstruct, bar, stop, interrupt, occlude)
гостить (guest, visit, visit with, stay, stop, sojourn)
унимать (stop, quiet)
униматься (soothe, stop, calm)
умолкать (subside, stop, become silent)
приостановить платеж (stop)
замазывать (caulk, calk, blur over, stop, seal)
закреплять (fasten, fix, consolidate, secure, anchor, stop)
ставить знаки препинания (punctuate, point, stop)
прижимать струну (stop)
нажимать клапан (stop)
урезать (cut, cut down, curtail, skimp, truncate, stop)
шпатлевать (putty, stop)
запломбировать зуб (stop a tooth, stop)
нажимать вентиль (stop)
отражать (reflect, represent, mirror, repel, reverberate, stop)
вычитать (subtract, deduct, take away, recoup, subduct, stop)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "stop" в других словарях:

  • stop — stop …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • stop — [ stɔp ] interj. et n. m. • 1792 mar.; mot angl. « arrêt » A ♦ Interj. 1 ♦ Commandement ou cri d arrêt. Il « arrêta la nage en criant : “Stop !” » (Maupassant). Fig. Stop au gaspillage ! ⇒ halte. 2 ♦ Mot employé dans les télégrammes pour séparer… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • stop — interj., (2, 3) stopuri s.n. 1. interj. Stai! Opreşte! ♦ (În telegrame, ca termen convenţional pentru a marca sfârşitul unei fraze) Punct! 2. s.n. Oprire bruscă a mingii, a pucului la unele jocuri sportive. 3. s.n. Semafor care reglează… …   Dicționar Român

  • stop — or [stäp] vt. stopped, stopping [ME stoppen < OE stoppian (in comp.) < WGmc stoppōn < VL * stuppare, to stop up, stuff < L stuppa < Gr styppē, tow < IE * stewe , to thicken, contract > Gr styphein, to contract, Sans stuka,… …   English World dictionary

  • Stop — Stop, n. 1. The act of stopping, or the state of being stopped; hindrance of progress or of action; cessation; repression; interruption; check; obstruction. [1913 Webster] It is doubtful . . . whether it contributed anything to the stop of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stop — stop; stop·er; stop·less; stop·pa·ble; stop·page; stop·per·less; stop·per·man; stop·ping; un·stop; back·stop; non·stop; stop·per; stop·ple; stop·less·ness; un·stop·pa·bly; …   English syllables

  • stop by — stop off, stop over, stop in or (N American) stop by To break one s journey, pay a visit to (usu with at) • • • Main Entry: ↑stop * * * ˌstop ˈby [intransitive/transitive] [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • stop in — stop off, stop over, stop in or (N American) stop by To break one s journey, pay a visit to (usu with at) • • • Main Entry: ↑stop * * * ˌstop ˈin [intransitive] [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • stop-go — ˌstop ˈgo adjective stop go policy/​approach etc ECONOMICS a way of controlling the economy by deliberately restricting government spending for a period of time and then increasing it for a time: • The uncertainty of such stop go policies reduced …   Financial and business terms

  • stop — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. stoppie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} substancja metaliczna otrzymywana przeważnie przez stopienie dwóch lub więcej metali (niekiedy z domieszką niemetali), wytwarzana w celu uzyskania lepszych właściwości… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • stop — ► VERB (stopped, stopping) 1) come or bring to an end. 2) prevent from happening or from doing something. 3) cease or cause to cease moving or operating. 4) (of a bus or train) call at a designated place to pick up or set down passengers. 5) Brit …   English terms dictionary

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